Sunday, July 21, 2013

Vanilla Madeleines

Nothing brightens a Saturday morning like a nice cafe latte and madeleines. Madeleines are these soft-but-crunchy cookie-slash-cake things that are moist, buttery, and undeniably French. I've always wanted to try making them, but lacked the proper hardware (a.k.a. a bright & shiny madeleine pan). Oh, what a happy day it was when my madeleine pan arrived. Unfortunately, the box had been pulverized in the mail, and everything inside of it was covered in glucose (which I had also purchased at the time in anticipation of making pate de fruit). After a good scrubbing in the sink, it was time to bake. I used this recipe from The Bionic Baker, and the end result was absolutely divine. I will, however, be purchasing a different pan from Amazon, as the non-stick one I tried turned the madeleines a bit dark for my taste. Right now I've got my eye on this one, which comes highly recommended by blogosphere royalty, Chez Pim.

I know I've promised you recipes from Chef Felder's book, but after two weeks of waiting, I still haven't heard a peep from the publishers. Huff. Oh well. Patience is a virtue, right? If I can wait four hours for my brioche dough to rise, rise, and rise again, I guess I can wait another week for word from the powers that be.

In the meantime, I've been busying myself with recipes from other sources. Next up on my madeleine list are ones flavored with bergamot. Recipe courtesy of Chez Pim herself!

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