Thursday, August 8, 2013

Freestyle Friday #2 - Passion Fruit & Mango Cheesecake

Hello everyone! I hope you've all enjoyed this week's French pastry. On this episode of Freestyle Friday (which I decided to publish a day early), I thought I'd return to my favorite flavor combination: passion fruit and mango. After using about half a bottle of fruit concentrate in Chef Felder's passion fruit creme recipe, I didn't want the remainder to go to waste, so I decided to try this cheesecake. I've never made one before, so I was a bit nervous. I find a lot of homemade cheesecakes to be too "cheesy," or just too much like a slab of Philly topped with canned fruit. Not all that appetizing, in my opinion. This one, however, turned out surprisingly light, and I'll definitely make it again.

I did make a few tweeks, to includ the addition of a bottom crust:

For the Crust:
1 box animal crackers (pulverized)
1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs
1 stick unsalted butter

I also changed the topping a bit, because I didn't have any unflavored gelatin (which, incidentally, is a bit hard to find on Amazon as well...unless you're buying in bulk). Instead, I diced up two fresh mango and soaked the fruit in a mixture of passion fruit concentrate and mango-flavored jello. Once that set up a bit, I poured the topping over the cooled cheesecake, and popped it back in the refrigerator to chill completely overnight. Yum! The office had cheesecake for breakfast :)

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