Monday, July 8, 2013

Adventure is Out There!

Hello! Welcome to The French Pastry Blog. My name is Leslie, and I love dessert. More precisely, I love the world of pastry chefs--the raspberry tarts, the chocolate showpieces, the sugar pulling--but only recently found the time to devote to it. Therefore, I decided to start a blog chronicling my journey through Chef Christophe Felder's new book, "Patisserie: Mastering the Fundamentals of French Pastry." I figured, if I'm ever going to attend pastry school--I hope I hope I hope--then I'd better start learning the basics! So cross your fingers, click your heals, and say a prayer for my waistline, because this is about to get real.

P.S. Before I begin, I'd just like to say "thank you!" to my amazing husband for supporting this idea in the first place. I promise, sweetheart, I won't burn the house down. I'd also like to thank my sister-in-law, Mandy, for being the inspiration for this blog. She has been documenting her travels throughout Europe at Girl in Geilenkirchen, and has such a natural talent for writing, I can only hope to follow in her footsteps. I'll try my best!


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